Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Swimming in Grace

Does the Lord use visual images to show me things because I am a visual person? Or am I a visual person because the Lord speaks to me so often in visions? Hmm.. Whichever the case, it happens often: His truths come to me in mental pictures rather than in words.  I saw us, believers...

While we were lost, we were still of the fallen world (on dry, parched ground..with our worldly thoughts and desires). Once we are in Christ, we are plunged into His grace. Like the ocean, it covers us and all our sin (perfectly symbolized in baptism).  Some plunge deeper than others and at differing times of their walk when needed (to be covered or enveloped more by His grace).
The problem is, for a lot of us, we don't know we are that ocean of grace.  We still see ourselves on that dry land--with the illusion of control, without true forgiveness--given or received, and some of us, this is where I was, until recently, have realized where we are.
We know of the grace that surrounds us, but thrash around like drowning people in the water for survival, grasping for a life-line...we have a need--a real one or a perceived one--and have not allowed Him to meet it.  It reminds me of watching Jackson, my now four-year-old, in the pool when he was younger.  Before he learned how to swim, he would panic if I took my hands off of him even in just a couple of feet of water.  I would try to explain that he could stand, but he couldn't hear me over his fear.  This was me.  I couldn't see this until I allowed the Lord to fill this place in my heart, rather than 'grasping' for something that would never measure up.  When He showed me this He also said: "I have met the need, now I will heal the wound. Tell others. Comfort them. Serve them."
You can walk on this water if you would just trust Him enough to put your feet down.    
In Christ.