Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jefcoat's Pregnant (again)!!!

Jamie, Tony, Mia Madelyn, and McGraw on Mother's Day 2006

One of my dearest friends just found out she is going to be a mommy for the third time. God really blessed her to be an awesome mother (that is probably why he has given her so many babies so fast :) ...). For those of you who do not know her, she has the most adorable year-and-a-half old twins, Mia Madelyn and McGraw. They are as sweet as can be and are going to be the best big brother and big sister to the new baby!!

I am SO excited for them, and if ANYBODY can handle 3 babies under the age three, it's Jamie. Congratulations Jamie & Tony!! I love you guys and my prayer is that you have a wonderful, completely uneventful pregnancy, and a healthy new addition to your already adorable family!

The night before she found out she was pregnant... :)

1 comment:

The Benson Bunch said...

Congrats to Jamie!

See...I knew you would be a great blogger...I love hearing all your stories!