Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jack-Jack's ONE!!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Dear Jackson!! Happy Birthday to you!!
I am such a big boy now! I have grown so much! I am a walking, climbing, full-fledged toddler! I give big, smack kisses and bear hugs! I love to jump, dance and shake my booty! I want to run so badly (but I don't have that one down yet). I say all kinds of things now, like--"Na Na" (for food), "Uh Oh", and "Nigh Nigh" (for Night Night). I can even tell you what a puppy says-- "Ruff Ruff"!! I am a very picky eater, but I will do almost anything for a "to-tie" (cookie). Oh, and I LOVE Barney!

Jackson's birthday party was SO much fun!! He was showered with presents, cake, cookies (er, ahem, "to-ties"), but, best of all, lots of hugs and kisses from friends and family that were able to come celebrate with us. Here are a few highlights:
"How old are you Jack-Jack?" " I'm one (with one finger proudly held high)!!" That's what he is doing in this picture--even though it looks like he is picking his nose. :) We worked on that trick for about two weeks!!

Singing "Happy Birthday"

Blowing out his candle (Well, okay, Mom had to help).

"What's everybody staring at??"

"Man! Mom and Dad NEVER let me do this!! Yummm!"

I LOVE my new backpack-o-toys!! :)

I can not believe a year has come and gone! Our little man has changed our lives more than we could have ever imagined! He is such an unbelievable blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.