Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Memories...

Over the weekend, Jason and I were thinking about what our life was like just one year ago. It amazes me to think how our life has changed (and how much we have changed!) in just that short amount of time. We talked about how Christmas will be so different this year, and how our "wants" are so different than ever before.
Christmas Eve 2005

Christmas Morning 2005

A tradition at our house ...homemade cinnamon rolls Christmas morning by the fire...I wonder how this will change?? Will we still use the china and crystal, or heck, if we will even sit down to eat!? Ha! Honestly, I would rather hear Jackson's sweet squeals when he sees all those new toys any day! The things you give up, but, oh, the blessings you get! I can't wait!! We are so blessed!! Everyone says that having children changes you, and it is so true--thank goodness!!

1 comment:

The Benson Bunch said... definitely changes, doesn't it? It's funny, before I even read what you wrote I saw that pic of Jason and all the plates and glasses on the floor...I thought, "that won't last long this year!"

Jackson did so well with Santa! Most of the time a child that age is bawling...(I was! My children did better than I did as a child)