Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jackson Is 10 Months Old!!!

Today is Jack-jack's 10 month birthday!!
I can take 3 or 4 steps now, clap my hands, and I have ten teeth. I can say "da da," "mom," "ba ba," and my newest word--"duck"! I drink regular milk, and I LOVE sweet tea (yes, we are proud to have a "true southerner" on our hands). I am a big boy --25 lbs of chunky love!! My favorite time of the day is bath time at night with Daddy (It is the cutest, sweetest thing EVER! I will have to blog about that soon)...Our sweet, wonderful little boy sleeps through the night now too!!! Yeah for a full night's sleep!

1 comment:

The Benson Bunch said...

Happy 10 months, Jackson!!! I see so much of you in him, Jamie! (especially when he smiles)